Book Closure & AGM

57th AGM
57th AGM Voting Results - Scrutinizers' Report- 27.9.2024
Dividend 2023-24 declared at 57th AGM
57th AGM Video
57th AGM Proceedings
Book Closure Notice for 57th AGM
57th AGM Notice
Intimation of TDS on Dividend for FY 2023-24
56th AGM
56th AGM Voting Results - Scrutinizers' Report- 29.9.2023
Dividend 2022-23 declared at 56th AGM
56th AGM Proceedings
56th AGM Video
Book Closure Notice for 56th AGM
Intimation of TDS on Dividend for FY 2022-23
56th AGM Notice
55th AGM
55th AGM Voting Results - Scrutinizers' Report- 29.9.2022
55th AGM Video
Dividend 2021-22 Declared at 55th AGM
55th AGM Proceedings
Book Closure Notice for 55th AGM
Intimation of TDS on Dividend for FY 2021-22
55th AGM Notice
54th AGM
54th AGM Voting Results - Scrutinizers' Report-22.9.2020
Dividend 2020-21 Declared at 54th AGM
54th AGM Proceedings
54th AGM Video
Book Closure Notice for 54th AGM
54th AGM Notice
53rd AGM
53rd AGM Video
53rd AGM Voting Results - Scrutinizers' Report-30.9.2020
53rd AGM Proceedings
Book Closure Notice for 53rd AGM
53rd AGM Notice
52nd AGM
52nd AGM Voting Results - Scrutinizers' Report-2.8.2019
52nd AGM Proceedings
Dividend 2018-19 Declared at 52nd AGM
Book Closure Notice for 52nd AGM and Dividend 2018-19
52nd AGM Notice, Proxy Form and Attendance Slip
51th AGM
51st AGM Voting Results - Scrutinizers' Report - 28.9.2018
Dividend 2017-18 Declared at 51st AGM
51st AGM Proceedings
Book Closure Notice for 51st AGM and Divided 2017-18
51st AGM Notice, Proxy Form and Attendance Slip
50th AGM
50th AGM Voting Results - Scrutinizers' Report- 23.8.2017
50th AGM Proceedings
Dividend 2016-17 Declared at 50th AGM
Book Closure Notice for 50th AGM and Dividend 2016-17
50th AGM Notice, Proxy Form and Attendance Slip
49th AGM
49th AGM Proceedings
49th AGM Voting Results - 27.9.2016
Book Closure Notice to BSE & NSE
49th AGM Notice, Proxy Form and Attendance Slip
48th AGM
48th AGM Voting Results - Scrutinizers' Report
E - Voting, Book Closure Notice for 48th AGM and Dividend 2014-15
Notice Convening 48th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Company
47th AGM
Scrutinizers' Report on e-Voting Results - 47th AGM
Book Closure Notice for 47th AGM and Dividend 2013-14
Notice Convening 47th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Company